Marriage Status, Captions Quotes for Facebook (2019)

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Marriage is a special event for everyone in their life.
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Facebook Marriage Status | After Marriage Quotes

  • Marriage and egos can live together, as long as sometimes you gratify my ego, and sometimes I gratify yours.
  • The time between engagement and marriage is the trailer of the marriage, in some ways.
  • The irony of the matter is that women weave dreams around the most practical relationship of life.
  • We work for money. But the reason for leaving a job is rarely money.
  • Similarly, we marry for companion but leave rarely on the quality of companionship.
  • Patrons of this institution called marriage are people who enjoy eternal companionship.
  • If you’re getting into Marriage, It’s not a game of romance. It’s serious business.
  • Marriage grows beautifully with time, and people often value the partnership and bond when they’re old and still loving it.
  • Don’t ask a girl if she’s virgin before marriage. You’ll just reveal that you see marriage as only physical and view life only from past.
  • Many people change after marriage. Yes, what’s been inside comes out finally and much more forcefully.
  • It’s actually when you compare yourself with your better half day in and day out, consciously and subconsciously, in conversations and in silences; do you come closer to your inner self, your real self.
  • Can sisters or brothers remain best friends after marriage? Well if not best friends then definitely as friends. Give respect to all relationships, that’s the key.

A Good Marriage Quotes | Good Marriage Quotes

  • The strength of the marriage can be assessed by looking at the glow of wife’s face.
  • A good marriage has a good rub off like success, it makes life beautiful.
  • Marriages are solemnized in multiple ways but consummated only in one.
  • Skills to develop before marriage are diplomacy and soft negotiation.
  • In your marriage, the first priority will always be spouse. If you perfect this rule, you can achieve everything you dream of.
  • It’s all written for you – life, death and marriage.
  • When you’re selecting a guy or girl for marriage, just keep one most important quality in mind and then shortlist after that.
  • A healthy marriage is maintaining a healthy communication between partners.
  • Marriage is something normal. It has its share of lies and deceit, and whatever else you can think of.
  • A powerful marriage even survives infidelity.
  • There are no secrets to a good marriage. Just be good and listen more than you speak.
  • Many marriages turn into a mess because couple just don’t have basic manners of speaking.
  • Marriage or wedlock liberates some people much equally as it imprisons some.
  • Marriage makes loving part of your routine, rightfully.

Marriage Quotes For Brother | Marriage Quotes Hindi |

  • Marriage happens when two lovers or strangers believe they are meant for eternal companionship. It starts from the belief and the universe conspires in making that belief stronger every day from that moment.
  • In a marriage, you have to be like or similar to your partner in values. Or else the relationship crumbles in time.
  • A love break-up and a breakdown in marriage can’t be compared. They are two different worlds.
  • No matter how beautiful the wife is, the marriage will only work if the partners work in coordination, and succeed in being partners in practical life.
  • Marrying an ambitious partner will fuel your life with ambition and dreams, but can also become a frustration of failures in your marriage.
  • It is after a successful marriage that you realize how society at large looks at you, how much people you knew want to continue respecting you.
  • In a marriage, partners may belong to different religions and speak different mother tongues but what attracts them are their smiles for each other and the common language of love that they communicate in.

Marriage Status for Him

  • A marriage raises credibility for both partners as individuals, both grow in society with their marital status as married.
  • Marriage is not a game, it is a commitment for life, for being there for someone no matter what.
  • Some marriages are just unfortunate. We can see some haste somewhere. A little maturity is necessary for marriage.
  • Some partnerships are eternal. Some marriages so beautiful even if it doesn’t have its fruits (children). Just by maintaining the love and care for each other, some marriages make themselves exemplary,
  • A proposal for marriage is the big high point in a girl’s life.
  • Marriage anniversaries are important. But it’s not the greatest idea to turn it into an expensive holiday. It may be seemingly romantic but not necessary.
  • You may marry from any ethnicity. But your act as spouse will reflect your own roots.
  • In your marriage, don’t try to be a great partner. When you’re trying you’re not being real. Acceptance of oneself makes the marriage stronger and long lasting.

Marriage Quotes Husband | Marriage Quotes Happy Life


  • Marriage doesn’t mean making sweet false promises to your partner. When you are casual make it clear. But when you are sincere make that clear equally so. Be authentic, whether serious or just joking.
  • Marriage levels your head more than anything ever before. It introduces you to your partner, that such a person with so and so flaws and strengths can be a reality.
  • Marriage makes one truly humble. Especially in an arranged marriage, when a stranger accepts you graciously as a partner for life.
  • The fights in love are usually worse than the fights in marriage. In the former it ends in an easy break-up.
  • A marriage makes two lovers friends, two strangers companions and two friends best mates for life.
  • Every marriage is unique. But the medicine to its problem is often in holding each other’s hands in face of all adversity.
  • A woman rules her marriage, even when the husband dictates the terms.
  • Every marriage has suffering. Interestingly it all begins with the ring.

Marriage Quotes In English

  • There is no scope to be selfish in marriage. And if you’re not used to sharing then get used to it. Because you can’t survive a marriage without knowing how to share.
  • Marriages are made in heaven but arranged on earth and at times destroyed on the same planet.
  • A failed marriage was never a marriage in the true sense. It was a match badly fixed.
  • The kids are the real heroes in a marriage, being the very product of their parents’ marriage. They are proud as brand ambassadors of love.
  • One can test someone love. But one can’t test someone’s entity in a marriage. You have to marry the person to make a statement on your spouse’s character.

Marriage Status for Her

  • Every marriage that survives has its share of sacrifices. It is telling a story in itself. And nobody can really dive into the complete story. There are secrets and being a successful marriage it is, they’ll always remain hidden.
  • Why should a woman change her name after marriage? After all it’s her maiden identity a man has got married to.
  • Marriage comes with great responsibilities and commitment for a lifetime. It makes one more responsible and happier.
  • If a famous guy proposes to you. Consider yourself lucky for two things. First that he is famous. Second that he is matured in dealing with relationships. A guy can only be famous for a long period of time when he’s got real inner strength and balance.
  • One thing that marriage can guarantee is societal respect. Marriage is a social institution. So societal respect is something that comes along with it.
  • Who wears the pants in the marriage finally depends on the moment when both gain clarity on the role they choose to play with each other’s consent. Things get clear and the journey becomes more beautiful.

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